The first Thomson Reuters (ISI) Impact Factor

According to 2014 edition of Journal Citation Reports published by Thomson Reuters, Annals of Forest Research (AFR) received its first Impact Factor: IF = 0.444.The recent release of 2013 Journal Metrics of Elsevier reported improvements of AFR indicators since the inclusion of AFR in SCOPUS:SJR = 0.243 (SCImago Journal Rank)SNIP = 0.636 (Source Normalized Impact per Paper)We use this opportunity to confirm our dedication in providing relevant and influential forestry content to the scientific community and to address special thanks to all the involved people - readers, authors, members of Editorial Board and reviewers - for their support, professionalism and contribution to the journal’s prestige.On behalf of Editorial Board,Sorin Popescu - Editor-in-Chief, Texas A&M University, USAIovu Adrian Biriș - Executive Editor, Forest Research and Management Institute, Romania