Effects of two different thinning methods on the diameter and basal area increments of silver lime (Tilia tomentosa Moench) target trees in Fruška Gora (Serbia)


  • Nikola Šušić University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research
  • Martin Bobinac University of Belgrade,
  • Siniša Andrašev University of Novi Sad Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment




silviculture, selective thinning, thinning from below, diameter increment, basal area increment


This paper analyses the cumulative effects of selective thinning and thinning from below on diameter and basal area increments of target trees after 25/26 years in 52, 69- and 86-year-old silver lime (Tilia tomentosa Moench) stands. Two target tree collectives were analysed: (1) elite trees selected between 1993–1994 from permanent sampling plots (selective thinning method), and (2) a ‘comparable collective’ of target trees selected in 2019 (25/26 years later) according to the same criteria as the elite trees, in the same stands thinned from below. Elite trees that were selectively thinned had: higher diameter, basal area and volume per tree, higher diameter and basal area increment for a given time period, and lower slenderness coefficients compared to the target trees that were thinned from below at 52 and 69 yr. While diameter increment decreases with age, and differences between elite trees of different ages are clearly delineated, diameter increments of trees thinned from below are not significantly different at 52 and 69 yr. In addition, basal area increment of trees is highest at 69 yr with selective thinning. When thinning from below, there were no significant differences in basal area increments between trees at 69 and 86 yr. Silver lime shows a strong growth response after selective thinning at ages 25/26 and 44 yr. However, our results show that this response is less pronounced when selective thinning begins at 61 yr.

Author Biographies

Nikola Šušić, University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research

Department of Life SciencesResearch Assistant

Martin Bobinac, University of Belgrade,

Faculty of Forestry,Department of Forestry and Nature ProtectionFull Professor

Siniša Andrašev, University of Novi Sad Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment

Senior Research Associate


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